
Personal Loans for Dentists With Dental Nachos

Dr. Zwade Marshall and Paul Goodman in a video

Doc2Doc Lending partnered with Dental Nachos, a continuing education and professional development company for dental students and practicing dentists, to share important information about how personal loans for dentists can make significant improvements in financial health. For instance, we shared a young dentist’s story: he needed money to buy into a private practice while eliminating credit card debt. These moves set him up for a successful career and started improving his credit score by reducing outstanding revolving credit!

Why Dentists are Borrowing Money

We know that physicians need to borrow money for a whole host of reasons. Whether consolidating credit card debt to handling unexpected medical expenses. We also hear lots of stories around the need to buy into private practices! This requires significant cash on hand which can be difficult no matter what stage of life you are in! Balancing buy-in costs with childcare, home expenses, etc is a tricky balance. You need to determine the trade-offs to make NOW vs those you need to make in the future.

With a Doc2Doc Lending personal loan for dentists, that decision is much easier. Especially, knowing that fellow physicians are taking care of you with preferred interest rates and no pre-payment penalties.

Watch the whole interview below. Feel free to reach out with any questions you might have about personal loans for dentists. We want to help you improve your personal cash flow situation while improving your credit score, so reach out!

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